
Help please!

I was about to title this throwing in the towel, but I saw another post with the same title! The past two nights, Kendall will not nurse. I wake up when I hear her sucking and trying to get at her hands. When I put her to my breast, she has her mouth open, but shakes her head away and will not latch. We do this for about 10 minutes until she either falls asleep or I give up. I'm typing this as I pump and she is laying in DH's arms screaming her head off. Any suggestions?
TTC #1 BFP 6/1/2011 blighted ovum d&c 7/15/11
TTC #2 BFP 12/6/11 chemical pregnancy natural mc 12/18/11
TTC #3 BFP 3/19/12. 4/9: HR of 134! **Bake Turkey, Bake!**
**All ALs Welcome**
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