3rd Trimester

Diarrhea and back pain : TMI

This is repost from January board:

So, I was debating the past two days on whether to post about this or not. I finally decided to see if any other expecting moms are dealing with similiar or have in prior pregnancies. I am 35 weeks now and for 2 days, going on 3 I have had diarrhea about 5 - 6 times a day, accompanied by back pain that is not constant, but kicks in when I start having BH contractions. Which is pretty much most of the day but not regular. I also started losing pieces of my mucus plug at 31 weeks and have been having globs come out pretty much any time I wipe. I am not sure if this is normal or if my body is getting ready to deliver soon. Which I do not want to happen at the moment, being as it would be too early. If anyone has a similiar experience or any knowledge of what the reason could be. Thank you in advanced. I feel like I might just be stressing myself our over something normal. 

I ended up being a December 2012 mama. I was due jan. 17th but she decided she wanted to be here to welcome in the new year, lol Big brother loves her. He pointed at her and said that my sissy. River Grantly Mason 12/20/2010 Zoey Lea Mason 12/29/2012
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