
Mucousy poo but no blood. Doc says not MSPI, then what?

LO is EBF and is 13 weeks old.  For the first 8 weeks or so, he was extremely gassy and restless at night, however, his poo was mustard colored and seedy.  Then about a month or so ago they started to turn dark green and mucousy.  So I talked to the pediatrician who said it could be a milk protein intolerance.  I started cutting major dairy but not hidden dairy.  And the doctor's office tested three diapers of LO's poo and found no traces of blood in any of them.  They are telling me to go ahead and continue with any and all diary (which I had started to cut out of my diet) because it isn't a MSPI.  However, LO is still having mucousy poo and is still extremely gassy and restless at night because I think his belly hurts.  Anyone have any other ideas as to what can be causing the mucuosy poo?  And is it possible to have a MSPI and NO blood in the poo?
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