
Night Nursing (f/u)

Yesterday I posted asking how many times a night your 7 month old eats.

I love night nursing.  The house is quiet and it's just me and baby, but this week is the first week I've felt exhausted.  At night, I haven't even heard baby crying.  DH wakes, tries to comfort baby and then has to shake me awake to feed lo.

He wakes about the same time each night. Goes down at 7pm (eats at 6:40pm), wakes at 9:40pm, 1:20am and 3:40am and wakes for the day between 6:30/7am with first feeding at 8am. Just in the last month he added in the 9:40 feeding so he used to go from 7pm til 1:30. He wakes, eats, and falls right back asleep so I don't think he has sleep issues and he goes down for sleep pretty easily.  DH and I legitamely think he's hungry.  I offer to nurse him many times during the day to help fill him up during the day, but I don't think that helps.

Anything we can try to get him to go a little longer and maybe drop 1 feeding?  My friends have suggested CIO. DH and I don't follow this parenting style especially since we think LO is actually hungry as he attacks me in the middle of the night to eat.

I keep telling myself that he'll night wean on his own, but is there anything we can do or should be doing?

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