3rd Trimester

What do you think?

Ok so first- a little background history. I had a fetal demise at 41 weeks almost 5 years ago so I've been monitored closely in pregnancies since.

Since 28 weeks I've been on NST's each week and getting BPP's done if the NST didn't go well. This Monday I was in for a growth ultrasound and found out the fluid was low. Yesterday, I went in for an NST because I haven't been feeling her move as much. I ended up with a BPP which showed my fluid levels up to 7.9 (from 6.7) but the baby was really sluggish and they were having trouble getting her to do her movements. And her heart rate was down to 125.

So today, I've been up since 10:17AM (I've been exhausted lately) and have only felt her move 4 times. I've been laying down for most of that. I've eaten several sugary foods, non sugary foods, a bottle of water and a soda trying to get her to cooperate and I'm just not getting much. So I called my drs office again and my DR is on call at the hospital so I had to wait for her to call me back. When she did and I explained to her what is going on she told me to "Relax." She said that while she was going to do the C-section Friday she's going to wait until 39 weeks because my fluid levels went back up. Fine. But, that doesn't solve the problem that the babys not moving much. She said that because I'm at 38 weeks she's not going to move as much and the BPP came back normal for yesterday and that it's good for a week.

She also said that she's not worried because of the BPP and because she's been in touch with a high risk center (that I went to previously for my daughter) and they told her not to take her until 39 weeks. This center took my daughter at 38 weeks after doing an amniocientis test to check if her lungs were mature enough so I don't know how I feel about that. I understand waiting until 39 weeks but she didn't even really acknowledge that I'm not feeling the baby move as much.

I don't really know what to do here. I don't trust just waiting to see what happens (but that might just be my paranoia from a bad pregnancy before) I have an appointment tomorrow with her anyways. I'm just...confused and a little irritated that she seems to be blowing it off.

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