Indiana Babies

Overzealous friend- baby shower

I need some advice:

First of all my best friend wants to throw me a shower and I couldn't be more grateful. But, here's the thing, I hate a lot of the ideas she has come up. Some of them are downright tacky. How do I let her know? Or should I just let her do it and be glad that she's planning anything at all?

Second, I want men to be able to come AND have fun. Any ideas???

Third and lastly, my sister-in-law had a shower a few months ago and invited everyone via facebook and a TON of people rsvp'd but a TON of people didn't show up and there was way too much food and it was kind of dull in my opinion. I am sending invites through the mail, but how can I say please only rsvp if you actually intend to come. It will be catered so it would be a problem if they didn't show.

Thanks so much for any insight :)

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