
How did you address your daycare providers overfeeding issues?

Hi Gals,
I posted a couple days ago about increasing my DS servings at daycare. Some of you suggested that our daycare provider might be overfeeding him and they are! Yesterday I left four 5 oz bottles for my four month old son and they went through all four bottles plus a bag of my freezer stash! This was over a ten hour period. We switched providers already bc we were having feeding issues with our old provider. Today I sent him to daycare with four four ounce bottles his old intake with specific instructions to space out feedings to every three hours. For those of you who have had similiar issues, how did you address them with your provider? I printed out some resources from kellymom at work and an considering giving them to my son's teacher!
BabyFruit Ticker FuzziBunz at Nurtured Family
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