
Dropping Pumps

Because of some medical issues my son had at birth, he was unable to directly latch and after working with a SNS, nipple shields, and countless lactation consultants, I decided to EP. I do occasionally put him to the breast but because of his poor latch (one caused by an anatomical issue) I end up with a blocked duct every time. Anyway...I was wondering if it is possible to maintain a supply even when you drop pumps. I pumped 10-12 times a day for the longest time and now I am down to 6 times a day. I only pump about 2oz. more than what he eats a day so my supply isn't abundant by any means. For moms who have done this, what is the best way to drop pumps and how did it effect your supply? What was the lowest number of pumps you were able to get to and how old was your LO when you did?


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