
No full feedings

Hi everyone, first post here.  After running into what seemed like every bf problem, DD and I are now at 6 weeks and things have gotten a lot better.  I no longer worry about supplementing and she is ebf.  However, I can't really get full feedings from her except at night and even then they are very short.  During the day, she'll feed a little bit on one breast and very rarely will take the second side.  She'll do less than 10 minutes here and there... 6-8 average.  Then 45 minutes later she's ready to continue to nurse.

Has anyone else run into this problem?  How can I get her to do more full feedings each time.  I am fine breastfeeding her on demand the problem is that it is affecting her sleep.  By the time she is ready to go on the second breast she is usually really tired which then delays her naptime and creates a vicious cyle! 

 Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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