Seattle Babies

VBAC help/recommendations

I am 5 weeks pregnant and looking for a recommendation for a midwife near the Eastside who does VBACS. We used midwives with our son but he ended up being too big and ended up being born via csection. We loved our midwives for the amazing support and prenatal care, and even throughout our son's birth they provided great advocacy for us at the hospital.

Evergreen has a new midwife program but isn't taking VBACS yet. We prefer a midwife, but will go to an OB if that's the only option we have.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a midwife who takes VBACS? And if not, then any suggestion where to look for an OB who supports VBACS? It's my understanding there aren't even many OBs who do...

Thanks so much!
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