3rd Trimester


I had a boy, Owen David 12/3, 3 days pat EDD.  We are thrilled to have a healthy baby and although DH said he wanted a girl for this last one - he was pretty happy to tell everyone he has 3 boys now. Fast, but painful delivery since I progressed too fast to get the epi again, same as DS2.

Update is I asked about tubal surgery right after vaginal births onTB... and everyone made  it seem like no big deal IRL... well it was pretty bad IMO.  The procedure itself was okay, but a couple days later I had serious cramping and pain that required lots of meds.  which isn't the best when trying to take care of 3 kids under 6 yrs old!

Also asked a bit ago about Aden & Anais swaddles from Kohls... I received them and they are a great deal with the 20-30% off coupons and free shipping. Check them out if you are in the market.

Good-bye 3rd tri and good luck to all of you... I will of course lurk and hopefully be able to respond to some inquiries, but will not officially be on ever again, no more babies. haha

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