
Weaned - 16 months

I wanted to mark this milestone for DD and I.  So many times I doubted whether my supply would last another week or two and yet - here we are!  Weaned at 16 months.

We had it easier than many (e.g. DD latched well, no infections) and more challenging than some (e.g. supply dropped upon return to FT work; supplemented with formula at 8 mos).

I read that babes won't self wean prior to 18 mos, so either my DD is a rare exception or my supply tanked:  At 11 mos DD was BF 3x a day; at 12 mos 2x a day; at 15 mos 1x day (DD refused the bedtime BF) and at 16 mos DD refused the morning BF.  We are done.

So I am happy and sad - mostly happy.  I wish all of you and yours the best.

Carry on! ;)

TTC#2 2012 BFNs, 2013 FET 03/14

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

TTC#1 2003-2009 5 angels above, 2010 IVF-PGS-FET, DD b. Aug-2011

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