
Supplementing and still falling behind

Okay, so I was EBF until about two weeks ago when it seemed that I couldn't keep up with my DD at all!  I know she was in a growth spurt, but even now it seems that I cannot keep up.  I work full time and pump 3x at work for at least 30 minutes, but my output seems to be less and less.  I still BF as much as I can, but it seems that either I am running out of milk very quickly or my DD is a lazy BF'er.  I know that she is a pretty lazy eater as she won't even attempt to latch without a nipple shield.  Anyway, my question is, I have been "getting by" with an evenflo single electric pump.  Nothing fancy, but it works, but should I talk to my dr/ insurance company about getting a hospital grade breast pump?  Will that help my supply do you think and maybe I could EP?  I don't mind giving her some formula, but I really would like to avoid going full formula until she is at least six months and we are only halfway there.  Any advice/ help would be awesome!  Thank you!
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