3rd Trimester

Advanced Maternal State?

I had a friend last night mention a condition called "advanced maternal state." She said that for her first pregnancy, she was so uncomfortable by about 37 weeks that her doctor diagnosed her with it, and it meant that she got leave from work that didn't count as vacation and didn't count toward her FMLA. 

Has anyone ever heard of this? When I try to Google it, my results are all for "advanced maternal age," which isn't the same thing.  I am seeing my OB on Monday and I will ask her, but I wanted to be able to do a little research ahead of time. 

I am 37 weeks and feeling like a mess, but I don't have the vacation days to spend, since company policy is we have to use vacation for the first 6 days of FMLA.  

Would love to know if anyone has heard of this! 

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