
Night Nursing

I went back to work a few weeks ago and since then LO's sleeping patterns have completely changed. He used to do a 4-5 hour stretch, wak e up around 2, and then go back down until 5 or 6 in the morning. Now that I'm back at work he's up every 1.5-2 hours like clockwork and nothing but nursing will put him back to sleep. I think he misses the amount of nursing he used to do when I was staying at home and he's trying to get his mom time in the middle of the nigh now.

I've been trying to nurse him more often when I get home from work until he goes to sleep, but the problem I'm encountering is that he only likes to eat from my letdown and gets frustrated when he actually has to work for the milk (weak suck, etc. issues we are working on with an LC) so nursing him more often means less milk/smaller letdowns, means he needs to work harder,and then he gets frustrated and doesn't want to nurse.

So I guess I'm just wondering if there's any hope of me sleeping again or if anyone has any advice at all!

 ETA: I'm not interested in doing sleep training right now. I guess I'm just hoping someone will have had a similar experience and lived to tell the tale. 

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