
Anyone else barely keeping up?

Hi Ladies,

Just wondering if anyone else out there is barely keeping up with BF/pumping?  I don't have a very good supply and I'm having to supplement as well.  My LO is basically getting about 1 ounce of BM per 3 ounces of F in a bottle every 2-3 hours.  If I'm lucky I can get about 2 ounces in each pumping session.  I was actually BF, but my LO kept getting crazy at the breast.  I'm thinking he would run out too fast and then I'd have to give him a bottle anyways.  So I decided to keep up with pumping and just give him the good stuff in a bottle.  But it seems like so little, I'm wondering how long I will last like this.  Anyone else going through this?  Is it even possible at this time (my LO is almost 10 weeks) to get my supply up?


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