
Any thoughts?

Good Morning Ladies! I mostly lurk here but all your advice and opinions on different topics have certainly been helpful. I am a FTM and BF and pump for an evening bottle and work my now 5 month old daughter. She was doing so well, usually only waking once or twice a night to eat and then right back to sleep. (we cosleep for what its worth). Ever since her 4 month growth spurt and/or wakeful we have had a great regression in sleep. Often waking every 2 hours and occassionally every hour. She will often only take a few sucks and is back to sleep which makes me think she isn't really hungry just waking and needing to nurse for comfort but I am lost how to help her sleep longer stretches. She does have a MPI so I have eliminated dairy from my diet and that made a huge difference in her fussiness and my pedi recommended waiting until 5 months to start rice cereal since she does have a dietary problem to begin with. I knew she was ready for "real" food because she constantly watched me eat and would reach for my plate. We started rice cereal on Sunday. She loves it! Last night she had her cereal and a 4 oz bottle. She wasn't full and cried for more so I gave her another ounce and she fell asleep. It was going on 10:30 until she finally went down. After such a big meal (usually she takes a 4 oz bottle from the baby sitter) I figured she would sleep a pretty good stretch but she was awake at 12 and every 2 hours after that. Any ideas on what she is needing or is it just another phase? Sorry this is so long but I wanted to include all the background info I could. TIA, any thoughts would be appreciated.

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