3rd Trimester

contractions...is it too early??? scared!

I will be 37 weeks, which is considered full term, tomorrow. I had my daughter at 37 weeks and she was perfect, no health problems at all, so I know that it is fine to deliver this early.

 I had my doctors appointment today and she told me I was 50% effaced and 1 cm dialated. That sounds great for this point and I was thinking I probably had at least another week to go, but I have been having strong contractions for the last three hours. I am at the point where I can still walk and talk through them, but barely. I took a bath about an hour ago, which didn't help and tried laying down and tried walking around and nothing is stopping them. They are about 4 minutes apart now. Here is my question. Is this too soon to be going into labor if I was only 1 cm dialated this morning? I am a little scared. Thanks!

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