February 2012 Moms

Would you bring the baby?

I was reading the post about whether or not the poster should be in her friends wedding and it got me thinking about my situation. My SIL is getting married in Mexico in June. LO will be 16 months old. I do not want to bring her to the wedding. My husband and SIL want her there. I don't have any issues with the traveling part, or the money she won't cost much extra. I just want to enjoy myself when I am there. I know that I will be the one sitting in the hotel room while she naps, and I will be the one who has to leave every night at 7 to put her to bed including the wedding. My husband won't wind up doing it because it is his sisters wedding and he will have to be involved. It is her only niece and SIL loves her so much and would really love her to be there, but it won't be much of a vacation for me if she is there. My husband says its not just a vacation its a wedding and she should be there. Am I being selfish? Would you bring her?
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