
You're still doing that?

So I was over at another mothers house and I was going thru what I had done that day and I said oh and I just pumped before we came over and she replied with "oh you're still doing that?". Now Im no power EBF i do pump though 6 times a day to feed the baby. But I really was like , wow!,. So i said yes. Ive also had another women tell me to give up because its to hard. lol. i think its wierd when other women/mothers are surprised. Their reaction makes me feel lke im doing some thing shameful and im just pumping. It is quite a spectacle though. I lugg the Sympahony in and out of the office every day. The case is massive and ive had people asking me if im climing mount everest with all the things i have. Because its not just the pump its all the bottles, cooler bags, tubes. The receptionist thought it was a calculator. Then I had to state what kind of calculate is this big. lol
image Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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