
pumpers: How many pumps?

I'm sure a dozen or more have asked this in December alone, but what the heck:

My supply is JUST SO.... I make it day to day and my mother in law has enough milk for while I'm at work (12 h shifts 3x weekly) and for my husband in the few hours he has her before I get home. In your opinions, do I need to add a pump? My schedule:

5:45am morning, feed LO and pump rest by 6:30am

During 12h shift I pump around 10am, 1pm, and 4pm.

LO goes to bed around 8-9pm, I pump as soon as she's in bed.

3am - pump after night feeding.

She is bottle fed during the day and breastfed only over night and first thing in the mornning (2x roughly). This started because of medical reasons, now she's just lazy. I don't care, she's still getting the good stuff.

I'm taking Fenugreek, but haven't had much luck so I'm going to try mother's milk mix or something or other (pill). I don't have a moment to look up what it was called exactly.


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