
Not quite sure what to do!

Ok, my baby is 3 weeks old and from day one we have been struggling with breast feeding. We saw the LC and even she couldn't get her to latch. For some reason she refuses to open her mouth wide enough. So, I've been pumping and bottle feeding.
I still try often to breast feed her. Last night I was trying and she actually latched and started sucking! For a good 5 or more min. Now, I had to use a nipple shield, but it's a good start. After those 5 or so min she got frustrated and started fussing and refusing the breast, so I finished her feed with a bottle. But I feel like the math is wrong... My breasts always produce the same amount of milk every time they get full. Every 3 hours I get about 5oz from the left, and 4oz from the right. When she breast fed last night she fed for 5 min then ate 1oz in the bottle, and didn't fuss for more. But she did fight me like crazy when I tried to give her the bottle, but she would refuse the breast also! she eats 3oz every 2 1/2 hours, like clock work. But when I pumped after I finished feeding her I got almost the full 5oz... So did she get anything at all?
I just breast fed her again about 30 min ago, she fed for 15 min on the left side and wouldn't take the right side after that. She fussed for a min then fell asleep. But honestly, she doesn't look as satisfied or as calm as she usually is after a full 3oz in the bottle I just pumped the left side, expecting to get only 2 oz bc she fed and refused more, but I got almost 4...
So is she still getting her full 3oz from the breast? Is it too much work for her so she just falls asleep still hungry?! Does she need to eat more often now? Or am I just replacing what she ate like immediately?
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