3rd Trimester

Visitors after Baby?

I am looking for completely honest opinions on this because I really do not know what to do about the following:

I am due February 22nd.  My MW will let me go up to 2 weeks late so I am thinking LO could come anytime between the end of January and the beginning of March.  We have moved very far away from DH's family and he rarely gets to see them anymore.  We chose his twin brother at the Godfather for LO.  DH's brother and his girlfriend want to come up during her spring break from school, which would be at the beginning of March.  They would stay at our home.  I was a little hesitant about this because they are complete slobs, very immature, and know nothing about what it is like to have a newborn in the house.  I am afraid they think we will be able to go out to dinner and hang out with them.  Anyways, I knew how important it would be for DH to have his brother visit and there might not be another opportunity so I said it was okay, but he couldn't bring his dogs.  We just bought a new house and neither of them are house broken, plus I have two dogs and I am already nervous about them being around the baby as it is. 

Now, today, DH's best friend texted DH and said he, his wife and their toddler will be driving up with DH's brother.  Whoa...that is 5 visitors now and I barely know DH's best friend and his wife.  They are very nice people, but that seems like a lot for right after I give birth.  I don't want to say they cannot come because I am afraid they will not have another chance to visit or they will be offended and not try to come visit again, but I am really nervous about that many people being in the house, especially if I don't give birth until closer to March or even in March.  This will be our first baby so I don't know if I am overreacting and I should just go with the flow or not.

DH thinks they will all be really helpful and nice to have there, but I know his brother and girlfriend are not helpful or clean.  I don't know much about the other couple.  What do you ladies think?

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