Dads & Dads-to-be



My little one has daycare orientation this week....weird right? We have to go with him to daycare, sign him in and stay with him and the teachers for 2-3 hours for two days before he officially starts next Monday. Is it weird that I'm kind of excited? Not the excited to get rid of my kid kind of way...but more so, the kid is growing up, experiencing the world kind of way. He will be 3 months old, so he can't tell me about his day or anything, but he will be around other babies, many older, and hopefully he will pick up on their milestones. Also, he will be around 4 other daycare providers who care for babies differently so he will become more diverse is how he is soothed, engagement during playtime/tummy time, etc. I could be reading more into this then I should, but I'm excited. My little boy is growing up!

Yesterday he went to childcare at our church for the first time and he was chill (even when 5 other kids were screaming) and he will also chill when his two cousins came over to play last night and they are 1 and 2. I like watching him around other kids, MAN and I'm excited!

That's all.

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