
Pumping at work is getting inconvenient....

I absolutely love being able to breastfeed my LO, but I am starting to get a bit stressed out about taking 3 breaks a day at work that last about half an hour from start to finish.  My setup at work is wonderful compared to what some people probably have (there are two special pumping rooms with fridges, magazines, etc.) and no one has ever questioned my breaks, I just am personally feeling so unproductive being away from my desk for so long everyday.  It is distracting taking such frequent breaks and I feel like by the time I get going on a project, it is time to take a break and pump again!  Also my schedule is constantly off where I am pumping right before I leave for the day so it is delaying when I am getting home.  I get work e-mail on my iphone, but most aren't the type that can be answered easily/quickly so I really need to be at my computer and there aren't a whole lot of work related tasks I can do without a computer while I pump. 

 I don't want to stop as I know the benefits are so great for my LO, but I don't want my work product to suffer either.  Just wonder if anyone else feels the same way?


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