Pregnant after IF

Anyone have IVF success after a CP and failed cycles?

Hi ladies, I am looking for anyone out there who had IVF success after a chemical pregnancy?  After 12 failed IUIs, a failed fresh IVF and a failed FET our 2nd fresh IVF last month brought us ouir very first BFP but it was short lived...on 11/20 my beta was 49.6 - on 11/23 it was 66 - on 11/26 it dropped to 9 and I started cramping and bleeding that day :(  We already had our cycle review for fresh IVF#3 which has started.  I am a healthy 33 year old with no issues, we are dealing with severe MFI.  We have both had every test under the sun done and this is our only known issue.  Just like the last fresh cycle I had a D&C with hysteroscopy and we are doing ICSI, PICSI, assisted hatching and coculture.  I am also doing acupuncture this time around and am currently on estrace, syntroid, levaquin and start prometrium on 12/28.  This is our last fresh cycle in our shared risk package (we have 2 FETS left also) so we are praying for success this time aorund and that it sticks!  Just looking for anyone who has had similar experiences, when you finally had success and if you can offer us any advice - thank you!
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