
Feeling defeated from Breast feeding troubles

Hi, I am a first time mom, and it seems that I am not getting any help from anyone. My son is 3.5 months old. He was born three weeks early by vaginal birth. When he was born, he had some levels of jaundice, and the pedi requested he be fed formula, and this was the day of discharge from hospital. I had planned on breast feeding and pumping. My baby wasn't eating as often in the first week.. My supply didn't come in til day after discharge, which made me engorged. I called my dr about that, and his nurse said pump but didn't say for how long. I got a little help with nursing in hospital, but the consultant didn't give me enough educated info on how long to nurse, when to pump, and how to maintain a supply with my weight since I am underweight. I have always been underweight- no eating disorders. I gained thirty pounds and lost it all a month and half after I delivered. Women say I am lucky but it isn't. When it came time for birth control, a different dr prescribed regular BC, that cut into supply, and my son was not nursing from me as often as he used to. The , I was switched to the mini pill to avoid losing my supply but he began refusing to nurse from me. I got a pump afterwards, and was only able to get two ounces out of both sides for one day; obviously he was eating well more than that from formula. He is healthy today at 14 weeks, and hit his developmental milestones, but I have tried everything to get my supply back up- fenugreek, blessed thistle, goat rue, brewer yeast, etc. my pump is losing suction power, and I have not received any phone calls from professionals that said they would call. Has anyone gone through something similar? I tell my husband I am not the only woman who has nursing problems, but I was wondering if there is anything I can do. I feel defeated; my family is far since my husband is military. Thanks for any suggestions and I apologize for the lengthy post.
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