Pregnant after IF


So, I tentatively intro'ed a day or 2 ago.  I've been freaking out the whole 2WW and POAS since 3dp5dt, which I know is pointless, I just can't help myself!! Anyway, this morning I got a very faint second line.  Even my super skeptical husband saw it.  And I took a 2nd test to verify.  I thought I'd be calmer once I saw a +line, but I'm freaking out even more now!!  I'm soooooo close!  I'm dying to know if it's going to get darker tomorrow!

There's been a lot of loss on this board lately - I want ALL of you to know that everyone on this board (and SAIF, 3T, IF!) are all in my thoughts and prayers.  I know how badly we all want happy, healthy babies and I pray that we all get that. 

Happy Holidays, Gals! 

TTC since Aug 2011, RE since May 2012. Dx: PCOS,endo, postprandial hypoglycemia DH: SA 1 - low everything, 2- low everything, 3 - good, but WBC, 4 - lost and/or damaged at lab, 5 - low everything July - Letrozole + TI = BFN Aug - letrozole #2 + TI = BFN Sep - NEW RE!! YAY!!!! Move to IVF w/ICSI - ER on Nov 28 - 34 eggs! 2 day report - 26 successfully fertilized! 13 of 26 frozen at 3 days. 5dt of 2 best remaining eggs! BFP on HPT 6dp5dt Beta #1 10dp5dt-471 Beta #2 13dp5dt - 1250
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