
C/S recovery vs laparoscopic

I have had 2 laparoscopic surgeries where I had to have fairly large cysts removed through an incision just above my pubic bone.  For other reasons it looks like I will have to have a c-section, I'll find out more at my appt on Thursday, and I'm really curious if anyone has had both of these and can compare the recovery.

I understand that a c-section is much more invasive so I imagine recovery time + pain will be worse but I wonder if it's a huge increase or not. When I got home from my most recent surgery last March I could walk, but not standing straight up and I had to keep a pillow over my abdomen when I laughed or coughed to help with the pain.

I don't want to go into this thinking it will be the same because I know it won't but I'm trying to calm my nerves a bit by telling myself I've been through something similar and it wasn't too too bad.  Have any of you been through both?

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