
EP'ed 3 months old still doesn't sleep more than 2.5 hours

Hi ladies,


I am not sure what I am looking for exactly, but here's the deal: my little guy is three months old. I have been EPing for three months now and it is going well supply wise. In fact, I have enough milk for both my kids.

Anyways, my little guy still doesn't sleep any longer than 2.5 hours. We never had anything like a 4 hour stretch, ever. Not even a 3 hour one. Now I have a super helpful DH and we divide and conquer the nights, but seriously, it is wearing both of us down.

He is gaining weight fine, is in the 50th percentile for weight and height and seem to develope ok. Has not doubled his birthweight yet, but that should be happening this month, I think.

I guess what I am asking is if I should play arou d with the milk a bit? Maybe put some hind milk away when pumping, put some fat in his milk before scalding? As in making sure that he gets more fat? Lacto-engineering? Or is that complete insanity and nonsense?

May ,y milk be too diluted and thin as I am pumping so much (output on average is 65oz)?  Or is it just one of those things we will have to stick out? It is not a problem if we have to stick it out, but if there is anything helpful to do.....I'd love to do it!


Thanks in advance. 

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