
Excessive spitting nothing helps!

My son is 11 weeks old and he has constantly spit up since he was 5 days old Approximately when my milk came in. I am currently breastfeeding and discovered early on that I'm an over producer. My supply has slowed down Considerably last month but I still pump off in the morning to help with the strong let down. We have literally tried almost everything to ease this. He sleeps at an angle. He feeds sitting straight up. He is burped before and after each feeding. And we are currently on medication to help with reflux. Which seemed to help at first but no longer seems to do any good. The dosage was just adjusted so we know it's not that. We keep him up right after each feeding for at least 30 minutes Where he usually spits up at least five times in large quantities but it doesn't seem to help. He will still upchuck two hours after a feeding. He does have to wear a harness 8 hrs a day because he had a slight hip Dysplasia Which I think puts a lot of pressure on his belly.

I hate people and doctors who call this a "laundry issue". It No longer becomes a "laundry issue" when it looks painful for him to eat and he wakes from a dead sleep because he has erped himself awake. He is still gaining weight though. My question for you moms out there is have any of you experienced this yourself and Do you have any suggestions? Or can you offer a timeframe of when your spitter slowed down? Have any of you tried eliminating dairy?

We don't think he's projectile vomiting but he spits up in such a large quantities that its concerning and very frustrating. Thank you
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