Single Parents

Emotional problem

I broke up with baby's dad 3 weeks ago. I'm 16 weeks pregnant now. Although we broke up, but we were seeing each other on and off, sometimes it good and sometimes it bad. We even had sex as well. But he told me he can't come back with me coz being a father and with me are too much stress and he wants to focus on the future. But yesterday I found out that he was texting other girls and he met them through a dating website. I have a huge fight with him and he told me we both need to move on our life. He said he not gonna see me till on Xmas. When I'm alone at home I can't stop thinking about him and I'm crying so bad all the time, can't even have a sleep and can't eat any food. I still really wish he could come back to me, Perhaps I pushed him a lot and hold him to tight like a control freak. How can I stop crying and not think about him? And does it affect the baby when I cry a lot? How can I change myself for the baby?
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