Pregnant after IF

Baby Class

Yesterday was day 1 of baby class, sitting here eating breakfast getting ready to go to day 2. Yesterday they showed us labor stuff, tips and tricks. Today we are taking a tour and learning about epidurals and c-sections. I think it's being presented in a pretty logical way, because I've heard a lot of people leave these classes scared to death! Maybe the medical journey of IF and IVF (along with a couple other wacky medical things I've been through) have prepped me for the next step? I feel like physical pain (although I'm leaning towards drugs if possible) is totally do-able after the mental pain that we dealt with along the way. And hey, the nurse doing the class said that 1% have relatively painless births...I've been in the 1% of success for this whole journey, so why not continue the trend? ;) Has anyone else taken their classes yet?
Married Since June 2008, TTC Since July 2009
M/c and D&C Mar 2011 at 9.5 weeks, Chemical/MC Jan 2012
2 IUI's with BFN
IVF June 2012 - 8R, 0F, Rescue ICSI gave us a 3dt of 2 (6 cell, 9+ cell), Beta #1: 70, Beta #2: 336, Beta #3: 1188
7/10/12: 1st u/s, 7/20/12: 2nd u/s w/ heartbeat at 7w0d
EDD: 3/8/12
Everyone Welcome! :)
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