1st Trimester

Cat is out of the bag! ugh!

Okay, I apologize in advance for this little rant!

I am only 5 weeks along and so far have told my parents, my best friend, and 2 friends who figured it out because I would only drink water when we were out! We haven't even told my husbands parents. Trying to keep things under the radar for the first trimester. 

Then I get a text from my husbands best friend asking if I'm pregnant. No one in that circle knows. Finally I figure out he heard it from my mom's step daughter (we aren't very close) who works for the same company, who heard it from her sister who heard it from MY MOM. So I call to verify this and she told me yes, and that she also told a whole list of people because she is just so excited. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 

 Anyone else dealing with someone letting the cat out of the bag?  I'm so frustrated!

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