
Breast Problem?


I am hoping someone here has a suggestion or two for me.  I have a 5 week old who has struggled a bit with breastfeeding but generally speaking does okay.  He also takes a bottle (really well) and pumping works well for me too.  When I pump rather than feed (like now since he slept through this feeding and I feel full) I feel like I get plenty of milk.  This feeding I pumped 4 oz off each side in about 10 minutes per side.

A week ago I unexpectedly had to pump to be gone an entire day.  I had 8 hours notice (surgery).  After each feeding I pumped the other side and got generally speaking what i felt was "enough" milk which was 3-4 oz and maybe 1 oz off the side he was done on.  

On Sunday I was out and about and skipped one feeding from the breast and gave him a bottle.  As soon as I got home I pumped.  I can't remember which breast this was as typically he only takes one... I believe it was my left side.

Monday my left breast was very sore (likely from both situtuations above, the skipping the feeding was stupid in hindsight but realize I am brand new at this and didn't have a car charger for my pump which is now on order).  I massaged it pretty good, which I realize now was probably a little too rough.  I took two showers to help it release, used a warm washcloth ect. as I felt maybe I had a clogged duct.

Through the course of the week the breast is still tender to the touch and feels swollen/engorged.  I did just get 4 oz of milk off it so I tend to think that neither of these is truly the issue?

The left side, in a "C" shape is where it is most tender and I had my husband feel if he felt any swollen spots 2 days ago and he did not.  (I can feel under the skin where it is sore so it was hard for me to tell if there was a swollen spot or not).

I had flu like symptoms one day this week... achy body, headache ect. but those went away in about 12 hours and never came back.  Our little guy seems a bit out of sorts which makes me wonder if we were exposed to something and our bodies are fighting this rather than it being related to my breast issue?

I do not have a red spot that I see (I am looking for something larger, say the size of a nickel or more) and obvious but don't see anything smaller either) so I am thinking this is not mastitis?

 Any thoughts, suggestions, or tips on what this might be and how I should proceed?  In hindsight before the weekend I should have probably called the LC or my doctor.  I just feel bad calling my doctor as I have had a rough post partum period, called her about colic in our newborn ect. and I hate to be a pain in her side compared to other patients (which is stupid of me to think honestly).


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