
11 months intake?

DS will be 11 months old soon. He is showing no signs of tapering off his milk intake though. He probably has about 22-25 oz a day.

He is minimally interested in solids. Spoon feeding him is out of the question. He will only feed himself.

Here is what he eats in a typical day. Does this seem normal? I don't really want to push him, but I want to make sure he is getting the right nutrition.

7am - breastfeed

9am - breakfast (eats a few tiny bits of fruit, french toast, etc) 

10:30 - 6oz bottle breastmilk

12:30 - lunch (usually fruits, veggies and something from kitchen like chicken & rice soup, etc)

3:00 - 6oz bottle breastmilk

5:30pm - breastfeed

6:30pm - dinner (finger foods like pasta, veggies, cheese) 

8pm- breastfeed + 3-4 oz bottle (my supply is drastically lower at night) 

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