Pregnant after IF

Food poisoning -- was baby ok?

Hi all,

I'm finally strong enough to type this post, but the past day and half has been rough going.  Ate something bad on Wed. night; woke up early Thursday morning feeling really queasy and in a sweat.  Ran for the bathroom, and that was the beginning of the "fun". Despite feeling horrible, I managed to keep myself hydrated, and hold the fever down to less than 100.4.  

The symptoms have begun to improve now, significantly enough that the OB wasn't concerned to see me before my scheduled appt. next week -- but of course, it makes me wonder. Has anyone else gone through something like this?.  Was LO ok?    


Married June 2007, TTC since May 2010. Me=40, age-related infertility, DOR, low prog, low AMH. DH=37,low morph.
IUI#1 (Dec. 2011)=BFN, IUI#2=unexpected early O=TI=BFN. Official IUI#2=BFN.
Stims for IVF#1 started 7/6/12. ER done 7/15/12. ICSI and AH. Transferred 2 embies 7/17/12. Stick little ones, stick! Beta 7/30/12=BFN HcG less than 2.
Surprise BFP while deciding next steps! EDD: 5/10/13
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