Pregnant after IF

XP: Update on Cuddle

From the May 2013 board:

"She got the pessary this morning and is on progesterone.  She was a fingertip dilated, but this will hopefully give her cervix enough support.  V-day is January 9th.  Let's keep those prayers coming that those LOs stay put at least until then!

It's time for a Christmas miracle, ladies!!!"

Married July 2011; TTC since April 2011
HSG and CD3 B/W - normal; SIS - one fibroid not impacting uterus; Several SA - low numbers across the board
Moving right to IVF with ICSI
ER: 8/17/12; 13R, 11M, 9F
ET: 8/20/12; 2 "beautiful" embies transferred and 1 frobaby on ice
Beta #1: 8/31/12 - BFP at 89!
Beta #2: 9/3/12 - 315
Beta #3: 9/10/12 - 6,109
1st U/S: 9/24/12 - One little bean with a strong heartbeat!
It's a boy!
PAIF/SAIF welcome!
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