
Stomach flu and not STTN question

So this might be an odd question. But, last weekend DD2 had the stomach flu and then on Weds. this week, I ended up getting it. I have literally not ate since Tuesday afternoon (very little snacks here and there). So my question is this...

DD2 eats at 6:30 before going to bed. She was sleeping until 6am. All of the sudden this week she wakes up at 9:30pm wanting to eat and waking up at 3-4am to eat. Her consumption of BM at daycare hasn't increased or decreased.

Do you think she could possibly be wanting to eat more because of me not eating? As in there isn't enough hindmilk or calories to fill her since I am not eating? Also, my output has been horrible. I pump 3xday while at work and get 4oz each time. I am lucky to get 2-3oz/session right now. Please tell me it will go back up as I get my appetite back.

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