Pregnant after IF

Onesie Exchange Info

Names have been drawn ladies!

Make sure you check your email to see who you have been paired with.  You can check the original link below for the info on the baby (gender, due date, multiples).  Many people also posted the info on Elfster if you look at the activity feed.

If you cannot find your draw's info in the original link or on Elfster, please PM me or email me at trudeau dot jessica dot L at gmail dot com, and I will get the info out to you.

ETA: Everyone got one draw.  The person you drew doesn't necessarily have you. 

All onesies need to be mailed out by December 16th to ensure a delivery before Christmas.  Make sure to include a note or card about who it is from.  When you get your onesie in the mail, AW it on the board so we can all see it!

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Happy shopping! 

Married July 2011; TTC since April 2011
HSG and CD3 B/W - normal; SIS - one fibroid not impacting uterus; Several SA - low numbers across the board
Moving right to IVF with ICSI
ER: 8/17/12; 13R, 11M, 9F
ET: 8/20/12; 2 "beautiful" embies transferred and 1 frobaby on ice
Beta #1: 8/31/12 - BFP at 89!
Beta #2: 9/3/12 - 315
Beta #3: 9/10/12 - 6,109
1st U/S: 9/24/12 - One little bean with a strong heartbeat!
It's a boy!
PAIF/SAIF welcome!
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The Blog: Project Make a Baby
BabyFruit Ticker
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