1st Trimester

Question for other moms with hypothyroidism.

At around the same time that I found out that I was pregnant, my doctor diagnosed me with subclinical hypothyroidism. My TSH levels were at 5.4. She immediately prescribed a 50 mcg dose of levothyroxine. I took it religiously every morning on an empty stomach and waited for about an hour before eating breakfast. Unfortunately, a recent blood test indicated that it wasn't doing the job, so she upped my dosage to 75 mcg. This has made me really nervous and has caused me to start worrying. (I had a missed miscarriage earlier this year.) Perhaps against my better judgment, I ended up Googling levothyroxine and reasons that it sometimes doesn't work. That's when I learned about "goitrogenic foods"--which block the functioning of the thyroid. I read that when taking levothyroxine, you should avoid foods in this category for at least four hours and to also avoid dietary fiber, calcium, or calcium fortified juices. That pretty much eliminates every breakfast food in my diet! No dietary fiber -- goodbye toast and cereal. No calcium -- so long yogurt and milk. I also read that people with hypothyroidism should not eat uncooked "goitrogenic foods." I normally eat a lot of raw veggies (although they haven't appealed to me during pregnancy) and always thought I was doing something good for my body. So... my question for other mothers with hypothyroidism is this: Have you at all modified your diet to make your levothyroxine more effective? And.... Have any of you needed your dosage increased...and if so, did that work? Thanks in advance for anything you can share from your own experience. I really want to get this under control, so that it doesn't in any way jeopardize the baby!
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