1st Trimester


  Hi everyone. I'm 6 weeks four days today. This will be my third child but all are separated by a number of years. At the time this baby is born we will have a 14 year old and an 8 year old. I guess I didn't learn my lesson from the first two!

  So far each pregnancy has been different. Besides sore boobs and an extreme lack of appetite, I have no other symptoms. I have to force myself to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My stomach growls, I know I need food but I have to force myself to eat it. I'm taking prenatal vitamins and when I do eat I'm making an effort to make sure it's healthy stuff.

  I have already seen my ob but it was for the health screening. I still have to get all my blood work done and go back on the 14th for (hopefully) my first ultrasound. I'd like some reassurance as to how far long I really am. I know when I conceived, but they look at the first day of your last period. Missing periods are nothing new to me and according to their little circular dial thingy I'm almost 3 months. I don't think so.

  For what ever reason I knew immediately that I was pregnant. I'd say three days later I starting feeling "different", almost as if a wave of calmness had washed over me. Of course like a dummy I took a test a week after I conceived and obviously it was negative. But I still felt different. So I waited three more weeks and sure enough, it was positive.

 So here I am. Hello everyone :)

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