3rd Trimester

24 Hour Monitoring?

Hi ladies, I've pretty much been a lurker on these boards since I signed up and have learned a lot! But I have a question I was hoping some of you might be able to ease my mind a bit.

 I just hit 37 weeks a few days ago and had my latest dr appt today. For the first time, they said my blood pressure was on the borderline higher than they would like. They checked both arms and again at the end of the visit and it stayed the same. So my dr is having me keep ALL my urine for 24 hrs and come back in tomorrow for more thorough fetal monitoring. He mentioned strapping on the monitor they would use in the hospital and keeping an eye on her longer than they normally do when just listening to the heartbeat as well as doing some bloodwork, I think (I was getting really anxious at this point and don't remember exactly what he said). He & the nurse kept saying there was no reason to be concerned, it was just precautionary, etc. But I couldn't help getting nervous at how quickly he said he wanted to monitor it more. It's probably just because I have been fortunate enough to have no real complications so far so this was all a little unexpected, but I was hoping some of you might have some experiences to share to reassure me or at least give me more of an idea what could happen?

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