
Jaundice Poll

I am having issues with my family and in-laws. My son (W) is almost 7 weeks old and is still very slightly jaundice (his billi number at just over 5 weeks was a 6). I did a ultrasound Monday and confirmed his liver is normal and working. He is eating, pooping, sleeping and gaining weight normally. I have declined to go to a GI doctor just to be told what I am already thinking. He has Breastmilk jaundice and it will work itself out in the next few weeks. I plan on retesting his billicount when I go in for his 2 month. I am keeping an eye on all signs of the jaundice getting worse. They think I am crazy for not going to the GI doctor but thats not why i am here.

On to the poll:

  1.  Did/does you LO have jaundice? How bad was/is it?
  2. How long did it take to get over it? or How old is your LO?
  3. What did you do to get rid of the jaundice?
  4. Did you have family or friends who told you to just give them formula? What did you say to them about Breastmilk jaundice?

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