
Any co-sleepers?

I go to a mommy n baby group and I always get flack from the health nurses when I mention that I co-sleep. I understand why but its just me in the bed with her and I'm up checking on her all night making sure shes ok, when we're done nursing I move her over a bit so she's not right up against me. This is my 4th baby and I've done the same for all of my kiddies and I'm not about to change my ways. (sorry that was a bit of a vent in there lol)

 Another thing I noticed is alot of moms mentioning the lack of sleep they get bc they're breastfeeding. Would you say if you co-sleep and nurse that you get greater sleep than someone who puts their baby in a crib? I don't know if I feel alright with my sleep level because I'm at terms with knowing what its like or if its simply because I co-sleep..anyone else co-sleep with baby?

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