
Bf'ing One year old...? gradual wean?

I have always planned to breastfeed my son his first year and then do a gentle, gradual wean as I plan to go back to work next month when he is 13 1/2 months. 

He currently nurses first thing in the am, twice during day to go down for a nap and then at bedtime. He is falling asleep less and less at breast so I often lay him down awake with a binky and he gets himself to sleep .

I am happy to keep doing am and pm feedings for a while if that is what he would like, but with him going to day care I think it is best to cut out the day times. (??)

He isn't very interested in WCM. He will sip it but maybe only takes a couple of ounces a day. I get more in him by doing yogurt/WCM smoothies for snacks. 

SO, I am looking  for tear free gentle weaning advice - do I need a plan or should I just see how it goes over the next month? Should I try increasing his WCM intake first? Also I don't think I have a great supply as I only feel full in mornings and my cycle has returned (2 months ago) will my supply stay up for just am and pm?

He seems more interested in nursing (when tired and fussy) then ever before so I am not sure if he is going to be ready. 

TIA from this torn, guilt prone Mama 

Edited to add my hubby would be happy with me being done at anytime! lol 

TTC #1 since 6/08, MFI dx'd 3/09 Varicocelectomy 6/09, Hydrocelectomy 10/09 IVF with ICSI in Jan/Feb 2010 ER 2/7, ET 2/12 - transferred 2 blasts 5 snowbabies Beta #1 = 22 #2 = 19. Chemical Pregnancy :( FET May 2010 ET 5/30 - transferred 3 embies = BFN Fall/10 Went Gluten free + New RE and Clinic IUI #1 + Clomid 50 mg (1 follie) on 1/18 IUI #2 + Clomid 100 mg (1 follie) on 2/15 IUI# 3 + Femara 7.5 mg (1 follie) on 3/14 = BFP!!!! Beta #1 = 172 (15dpiui) Beta #2 =683!!! Ultrasound at 7 wks: 1 perfect beating heart. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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