
16 month old kinda complex question

Basically, I couldn't breastfeed my daughter for an entire month (Her dad kidnapped her,very sick man, I got her back though! ) and when she returned to me, she was basically weaned, but the first day I got her back she refused breast a few times until she finally accepted.


My problem is milk supply has never been the same since, I used to get full and painful hardness when I didn't feed for too long, and also the left breast now has hardly any milk. I'm talking prenatal vitamins and a lactation support vitamin, I do fenugreek but am basically almost run out and couldn't find any more at the stores :(

I have a medela double breast pump which never yields even an ounce :( Also , with my current custody situation I only get the baby every other day, even further ruining my supply. But I know it's really important to her emotionally with everything she has gone through/is going through, so I'd hate to be making so many changes in her life, I wanted to atleast go until 2 years.


If I pump like CRAZY and hand express do you think I can ever get it back to what it was? (I never dried up by the way)

Any advice is much appreciated! And encouragement :) 6 teeth is soo painful, I always have indentions/bite marks when she is done! (Wasn't that way before the whole gone for a month thing)


Thank you! 

Mommy to Breeze -16 months old, breastfed
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