
need feeding advice

Hey Girls!!

 I have a 15 day old lil boy and we are still trying to figure this 'food' thing out! I attempted breastfeeding but my body is not 'equipped' to get the milk to him without immense pain on my end. I pump (which doesn't hurt as bad) and supplement with formula at nite in an attempt to help create a stock of breastmilk in the fridge. We have been using Emfamil Newborn. I pump every time I feed.

Now the questions!

How much milk should I be producing? He seems to eat 2 oz every 2.5 to 3 hours, but I cant seem to pump out that much, even if I pump for 45 mins. Is there anything short of medication that I can do to help myself make more milk, or is this normal? I can't get ahead of him and seem to be going thru the little supply in the fridge I do have!

My lil guy seems SO fussy and uncomfortable and stays wide awake for the last two nites during formula feedings. Could his fussiness be because of the food or because every time he fusses I pick him up and hold him? Can I switch formula cold turkey or do I need to mix the two kinds? I am used to animals, any food changes with animals should be done gradually, are babies the same way? 

Thank you for any advice you gals have: this FTM is so exhausted and can't think straight anymore!! HUGS 

I'm a Mommy now!!!! HOORAY!!! Gordon Lee born Nov 19th 2012, 6lbs 14oz, 20inches! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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