1st Trimester

Vent: Nerves & 1st u/s today . . . & intro

Hi ladies! First let me do a brief intro. DH and I married for 3.5 years, tried for 8 months knowing I have PCOS and we'd likely have issues. Went on metformin and clomid 50mg as I was diagnosed as not ovulating on my own (thankful I have a proactive dr). Well, the 1st round of the clomid worked, found out right before T-day and was able to confirm with the dr. and were 6 weeks + 6 days today. Super excited about that!

Our first u/s and I think all the blood work and everything is today. I've been alright all week, just excited to see our little nugget, but the past 24 hours have been hell!  I didn't sleep last night bc I'm so terrified something could be wrong (eptopic, no heart beat, etc) even though its (hopefully) not likely. Symptoms haven't been bad - sore boobs/nipples, weight loss not gain, minor food aversions but still eating though craving TONS of fruit, a few mood swings (poor DH), but that's it. Though granted it's still early on.

From what I've read on here, I know its normal to have these fears but man do I wish they'd go away! Sitting here trying to work until lunchtime is going to slowly drive me insane. I just want to be sure little nuggets really in there and safe and sound and growing . . . Anyone else had a big freakout before their first appt???


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