3rd Trimester

Research/Info overload

So I went on a tour of the hospital last night with DH, my doula and birthing class and it really just sort of freaked me out. My class instructor led the tour and said this is where this happens, and that happens, etc and I felt overwhelmed at all the stuff I still need to do/research like vitamin K, eye stuff, what vaccines I want when, who washes the baby, etc and I'm like man I just did all sorts of research just for the registry! What carseat, stroller, crib, mattress are best? Etc. 

Are any of you feeling the same way and how do you manage it? I figure just one thing at a time and I still have a few wks but man does it go by fast! 


Pregnancy Ticker Owner & Creator of www.GreatestKidsGames.com
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